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Tame the Web, Enhance your Journey.

Sanitize is your all-in-one extension for a distraction-free, customized browsing experience. Block annoyances, focus on content, and tweak websites to fit your needs. It's your web, your way.

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Features :

Zen Mode

Zen Mode

Immerse yourself in a distraction-free environment. Text-only view eliminates visual clutter, allowing you to focus purely on content.

Freeze Mode

Freeze Mode

Allow yourself to focus on the content without the fancy stuff. Block completely all interaction with the website and its content using an overlay.

Grayscale Mode

Grayscale Mode

Experience a calmer browsing experience with a clean, black and white aesthetic. Perfect for reducing eye strain and visual distractions.

Block Annoyances

Blockable Annoyances

Take back control! Block unwanted elements like videos, images, and pop-ups that disrupt your concentration and slow down your browsing.

Personal Filters

Personal Filters

Craft your ideal browsing experience. Apply custom Html, Css, or JavaScript filters to personalize the look and feel of any website.

Global/Local Scope

Global/Local Scope

Fine-tune your settings. Apply filters and configurations globally across the entire web, or limit them to the specific website you're currently on.

Import/Export System

Import/Export System

Seamlessly transfer your preferences across devices. Import and export your settings and filters with a simple JsON file, ensuring consistency wherever you browse.

Benefits :



Block distractions and unnecessary elements. Enter "Zen" or "Grayscale" mode to minimize visual clutter. Toggle filters and more. Sanitize make it possible to maximize efficiency.



Sanitize lets you block intrusive elements and scripts that might collect your information. With Sanitize, you choose what gets displayed and what stays hidden forever.



Mitigate potential security risks. Block unwanted content like embedded objects, disable suspicious fonts that could harbor vulnerabilities and much more.

Ease of Use

Ease of Use

Sanitize is designed for simplicity. The intuitive interface allows you to customize your browsing experience with just a few clicks. We makes it easy to create your own environment.



Sanitize offers a vast array of customization options. From messing with any elements, fine-tuning Css to injecting custom Js. We grants you control over what you want to.



Strip away distractions and create a clean, streamlined browsing experience. Enhance your focus and reduce cognitive load for a calmer and more productive place.

Installation :

How to Use :

  1. 1. Popup Settings

    After you installed Sanitize, you can click on the popup to the top right of the browser window to access the popup. There, you can change a multitude of settings so that you can customize your browsing experience. You will se a list of checkboxes that you toggle on and off. here is what each one does:

      Filters Fieldset

      1. Html : Sanitize will delete stuffs in the current webpage using your Html Filters.
      2. Css : Sanitize will add the Css rules you created.
      3. Js : Sanitize will inject the Js code you made in the webpage.

      Modes Fieldset

      1. Zen : Take the webpage and transform it into a clean and minimal version similar to a reader view. it will only keep the text, list and table discarding everything else.
      2. Freeze : Stick an invisible overlay to the webpage, make it impossible to interact with website making it look like it is somewhat frozen.
      3. Grayscale : Change the whole color of the webpage to grayscale from images to texts and videos.

      Dangerous Fieldset

      1. Disable Css : Disable all Css in the current webpage. Be careful as it will make the webpage look ugly and unintuitive.
      2. Disable Js : Disable all Js in the current webpage. Again Be careful as it will break the webpage and most of it functionality.

      Block Annoyances Fieldset

      1. Image : Block all images. This include <img>, <canvas> and <svg> tags.
      2. Video : Block all videos. This include only <video> tags.
      3. Audio : Block all audios. This include only <audio> tags. It also mutes the whole tab altogether.
      4. Tables : Block all tables. This include <table>, <tr>, <td> and <caption> tags.
      5. Forms : Block all forms. This include <form>, <input>, <button> tags and many more...
      6. Lists : Block all lists. This include <ul>, <ol> and <li> tags.
      7. Fonts : Block all external fonts. it will block the requested fonts from being loaded.
      8. Links : Disable all links. it will remove the all hyperlinks in the <a> tags from the webpage.
      9. Semantics : Disable all semantic elements. This mean things like bold, italics, line-height etc...
      10. Embedded Objects : Disable all embedded objects. This include <iframe>, <embed> and <object> tags and some more.
  2. 2. Other Optional Settings

    Optional Settings are the little icons that you see on the top right of the popup, there button toggle some other unimportant settings. A setting is disabled if it is grayed out else it is enabled. The settings are as follows:

    1. Theme : Change the theme of sanitize to light or dark mode. this affects everything in the sanitize UI but not the website you are viewing.
    2. Show Messages : Show a red box saying "Blocked XYZ" or "🛇" on the blocked element like images or form depending on your settings.
    3. Activate Sanitize : Activate Sanitize or deactivate it temporarily.
  3. 3. Different Scopes

    You can change the scope of your settings. This means you the settings will be applied globally or only on the current website, to be specific the hostname. This allow you to have different settings for different websites. To change the scope, click on either of the two buttons to the top left of the popup. The buttons are as follows:

    1. Global : Apply this settings globally, meaning on all websites.
    2. Local : Apply the settings only on the current website (e.g.
  4. 4. Add Filters

    A filter is a collection of rules that will be applied to the page. You can add as many as you want. A filter includes the following:

    1. Html : Sanitize will delete stuffs in the current webpage using specific selectors (like #container > div > p or .small-box ...).
    2. Css : Sanitize will append new Css rules to the current website to overwrite existing ones. it can be anything you want to. it should be valid Css and vavoribly contain a !important rule to correctly overwrite existing rules.
    3. Js : Sanitize will inject the Js code to the current website. make sure that the code is valid and is safe so it won't break the website or your safety.

    Now to create a new filter, click on the "New Filter" button in the popup or on the context menu (right click) and press "Add New Filter". A popup will show up on the bottom right on the webpage dimming the background also a bit. There, you can do the following:

    1. Type : Change the type of filter. You can choose between Html, Css and Js. Html has to be a Css selector. Css has to be valid Css, same goes for Js.
    2. Scope : Change the scope of the filter to either global or local.
    3. Content : Enter the content of the filter in the text area in front of you.
    4. Pick : Enter Content Selection Mode. With this mode, you can hover over an element and it will highlight it. click on it to select it. you can also select multiple elements depending on the selector. Works only for Html filters.
    5. Preview : Quickly preview the filter you have written in the text area. It is not permanent unless you ran some Js code that manipulates the page.
    6. Create : create the filter, then reload the page.
  5. 5. View Filters

    You can view all the filters you have added. You can also edit or delete them. To do that, click on the "View All Filters" button in the popup. I will load a new tab with all the filters that exist. they are all listed on the left side of the page. Click on any of them to view the content of it in the read panel or write panel next to it. You can change the type (Html, Css, Js) by clicking on the type button on top which will switch to your desired type.

  6. 6. Edit Filters

    As shown above, you can edit filters. by also clicking on the "View All Filters" button. choose the filter and it type, to edit the filter content, write the new content in write panel (the one of the right). and save it for the changes to take effect. Be aware that if you swtitch the type without saving first, the new you have written content will be lost.

  7. 7. Delete Filters

    Similar to the other two instruction above, click on the "View All Filters" button. and next the hostname of the filter list, you will see a cross next to it. click on it to delete the filter on that hostname. to only delete just a type, not the whole filter, just leave the write panel empty and save your change.

  8. 8. Reset Everything

    Click on the popup, then you should see a "Reset Settings" button on the bottom, click it and everything will be reset from your filters to your config. Use it with caution and make sure to have a backup first.

  9. 9. Export & Import Configuration

    Lastly, click on the popup. If you see a "Sync Settings" button, click it to go to the export and import page. You can also just press the "View All Filters" button and it would still work the same. After that you should see on top right two buttons, one is "Export Settings" and the other is "Import Settings". Export settings will prompt you to save your filters as JSON file on your computer. To import it, just select the saved JSON file after clicking on "Import Settings". Everything will be imported to the browser storage and you will be able to use sanitize again.

Known Issues :

  • Due to the recent manifest 3 changes forced by Chromium, The Js Filters will no longer work at all on Chrome, Edge, and Opera. Attempt to solve this issue is on my todo list.
  • If you turn on image or video block, but some of the images or videos are still there, try to hard reload the website by pressing Ctrl + Shift + R to clear the cache. Otherwise, if this does not work, then the images or videos are most likely present in an embedded elements like an iframe, which you can block too by toggling off all embeds.
  • Zen mode is not meant to be used on every website because it will likely pick up junk text or nothing of interest, so be careful with it. Plus, if you use other settings, such as blocking images or disabling Css, it will greatly increase the load time of the webpage you are viewing and will likely cause performance issues.
  • Element selection when adding new filters will not work on some websites, such as, because of some nonsense and bloat issues. If that is the case, then consider picking the element yourself by using the browser console (F12) and writing the Css selector to the text area.
  • After you opened the popup to add a new filter but did not create one and closed the popup, you will have to reload the website to get back all the removed Js, event listeners, and links to continue your browsing. This allows us to carefully pick the element you clicked on without activating any event or executing any script.
  • Js previews permanently affect the DOM; this means that if you remove an element from your code in the text area and decide to preview it, The element will be forever deleted, even after you finish the preview. and you will have to reload the webpage again.
  • Sanitize will not work on higher pages like 'about:preferences' or 'about:addons' because of the browser security measures.

License :

Sanitize is open-source software licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 (GPL-3). This means you have the freedom to use, modify, and distribute Sanitize for free, as long as you adhere to the terms of the GPL-3. In essence, the GPL-3 ensures that any modifications you make to Sanitize's code must also be shared under the same GPL-3 license, promoting transparency and collaboration within the open-source community.

Contribution :

Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, there are many ways you can help make Sanitize even better. Here are some areas where you can contribute:

  • Bug Fixes: Found a bug? Let me know! Detailed bug reports on github with clear steps to reproduce the issue are incredibly helpful to me. The more information you can provide, the faster I can fix the problem.
  • Feature Requests: Have an idea for a new feature? I'd love to hear it! Submit a feature request outlining your proposal and the potential benefits it would bring to Sanitize users.
  • Code Contributions: Feeling confident in your coding skills? I encourage you to contribute directly to Sanitize's codebase. Fork the repository on GitHub, make your changes, and submit a pull request. I will review and merge them as soon as possible.

No contribution is too small! Every bit of effort helps Sanitize grow and evolve. I appreciate your interest in contributing and look forward to collaborating with you! You can find the GitHub repo Here.

Changelog :

  • v1.0.3 : Fix concerning extension permissions
  • v1.0.2 : Sanitize now works on all chromium based browsers (Chrome, Edge, and Opera)
  • v1.0.1 : Very minor and unnoticeable change
  • v1.0.0 : Initial release

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) :

1. What Is Sanitize?

Sanitize is a browser extension designed to empower you and personalize your web experience. It equips you with tools to block distractions, enhance privacy, and boost productivity. Take back control of your online journey and focus on what truly matters.

2. How To Best Use Sanitize?

There is not a "best" way to use Sanitize. It is up to you do to whatever you want to do with it. Identify what elements distract you the most and block or remove them. Experiment with different features to create a focused and streamlined browsing experience.

3. Is Sanitize Regularly Updated?

Yes! I'm committed to providing a constantly evolving and improving experience. Regular updates ensure compatibility with modern browsers, address potential security concerns, and introduce new features to better serve your needs.

4. Is Sanitize Free & Open Source?

Yes, Sanitize is open-source software! it's completely free and there is no intent to monetize it in the future because I believe in the power of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and its ability to foster collaboration and create better products. The code is publicly available, so anyone can contribute or learn from it including you.

5. Who Is Behind Sanitize?

A single anonymous developer, me. I am passionate about creating tools that empower users and improve the online experience. While I work on it alone for now, I hope to see the project grow with the help of the community (you).

6. Why We Made Sanitize?

I created Sanitize because, like many others, I struggle with distractions and information overload online. I wanted a tool that would allow me to customize my browsing experience and focus on what truly matters. Hopefully, Sanitize can help you achieve the same.

7. Can We Spy On You?

Absolutely not! Everything runs locally because user privacy is a top priority for Sanitize. The extension does not collect or track your browsing data or activity in any way. It only requires the bare minimum set of permissions to function properly. You have complete control over what information websites can access while using Sanitize.

8. Are We Going To Support Other Browsers?

Most probably not, to be honestly. Support for shitty or locked browsers, such as Safari, is very unlikely to happen. Meanwhile, forks such as LibreWolf will be fine, as they use the same technologies as popular browsers.

9. How We Can Improve Your Online Journey?

Sanitize provide you a toolkit for customization and control. By blocking distractions and fine-tuning webpages, you can streamline your browsing, minimize wasted time, and enhance overall productivity. Sanitize fosters a focused and mindful approach to navigating the web, allowing you to achieve your goals with greater efficiency.

10. What Are Our Recommendations To Further Improve Your Web Experience?

For a more secure and focused online journey, consider these tips: combine Sanitize with privacy-focused extensions like uBlock Origin and Canvas Blocker, use a FOSS browser like Firefox, explore privacy-oriented search engines like DuckDuckGo, and cultivate mindful browsing habits by setting time limits and avoiding distractions For better OPSEC.